This is the biggest challenge in the multilevel marketing industry and that is learning how to help the next guy become successful. If you are not sincere about helping your prospect reach his goals he will detect it right away. And drop out on you our attitude determines our altitude and it must always be on helping the other guy. Real leadership is not as hard to learn as you think. It is a concept that does go against the grain though. The greatest leaders of our time have the hearts of a real servant. Are you willing to put yourself out impose on yourself to the next guy can be a success? Without this kind of attitude, you will not be a very big success.
When you discover this not so secret concept and put it into practice your business opportunity will explode. And when you understand this concept you can teach it to others and build a team of successful business builders that will be unstoppable.
Once you have the concept down the next secret is put people like this in a team working together to find and help the next guy to reach his goals. It really is just that simple and once you get is started you con no longer stop it.
Teamwork is also a very interesting concept and my training came from an incredible source. Where I use to work there was a small lake between the buildings where I would walk every morning for coffee. One morning on the way I saw a very interesting thing happen in that lake. There were to very young birds a Great Blue Heron and a Cormorant which is a diving bird. They both eat small fish and these 2 guys were working the lake like pros. Cormorant would chase the fish on the shore to the Great Blue Heron and he would intern chase them back out the Cormorant. I was so amazed I watched until I was late for work. Well if two different kinds of bird can do it why can't people do it? It was no time before my home business started taking off.
So the two most important things are be thinking of how to help the other guy reach his goals and teamwork and you will be unstoppable. The process can be tough but in a team of different people, each has different skills. Together the team makes up all the needed parts of the puzzle.